HRD Corp’s New Hourly-Based HRDF Claim Policy: Higher Course Fee Ceilings & Allowable Cost Matrix Adjustment

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HRD Corp’s New Hourly-Based HRDF Claim Policy: Higher Course Fee Ceilings & Allowable Cost Matrix Adjustment

In a move that signals a significant shift towards greater flexibility in workforce training, Malaysia’s Human Resource Development Corporation (HRD Corp) has introduced an enhanced policy that allows employers to make hourly-based claims for training programs. 

Alongside this, HRD Corp has raised the ceiling for claimable course fees, making it easier for businesses to provide high-quality HRDF training for their employees without being constrained by previous cost limitations. These updates reflect HRD Corp’s ongoing commitment to helping Malaysian companies stay competitive by investing in the skills and development of their workforce.

In a move that signals a significant shift towards greater flexibility in workforce training, Malaysia’s Human Resource Development Corporation (HRD Corp) has introduced an enhanced policy that allows employers to make hourly-based claims for training programs. 

Alongside this, HRD Corp has raised the ceiling for claimable course fees, making it easier for businesses to provide high-quality HRDF training for their employees without being constrained by previous cost limitations. These updates reflect HRD Corp’s ongoing commitment to helping Malaysian companies stay competitive by investing in the skills and development of their workforce.

  • 1 Hour: RM70 per participant.
  • 2 Hours: RM140 per participant.
  • 3 Hours: RM210 per participant.
  • 4 Hours: RM350 per participant.
  • 5 Hours: RM490 per participant.
  • 6 Hours: RM560 per participant. 
  • Up to 7 Hours: RM700 per participant.

Additional Notes

  1. Single Allowance Rule: Employers are entitled to claim only one type of allowance (meal or trainee) per HRDF training location.
  2. Four-Hour Training Limit: Half of financial assistance is claimable for training lasting only four hours.
  3. Documentation Requirements: Claims by Training Providers must include Joint Declaration 14, Attendance T3, Invoice to HRD Corp, and system-generated attendance.
  4. Verification: HRD Corp may request additional documentation for verification.
  5. Terms Revision: HRD Corp retains the right to revise terms as necessary.

Benefits of the Enhanced Hourly-Based HRDF Claims Structure

The transition to hourly-based HRDF claims offers multiple advantages for Malaysian businesses:

  • Flexibility in Training Scheduling:
    Employers can tailor training sessions to fit within their operational hours without committing to full-day programs. This flexibility is especially useful for industries that require frequent, short training sessions for compliance updates, new technology adoption, or skill refreshers.
  • Cost Efficiency:
    By claiming on an hourly basis, employers can maximize the utilization of HRD Corp funds. For example, companies can claim just the required hours needed to train specific teams, reducing unnecessary training expenses and avoiding a one-size-fits-all training duration.
  • Support for Diverse Training Needs:
    Hourly-based HRDFclaims make it more feasible to fund a variety of training programs, including online learning, microlearning sessions, and specialized workshops. Employers can now access a broader range of HRDF training resources, enhancing employee skills across multiple competencies.

Step-by-Step Guide on Using the HRD Corp Allowable Cost Matrix

A) STEP 1: Determine the Type of Training

Identify the specific type of training to ensure you follow the correct set of rules within the matrix. Training types include:

  • In-House Training: Training conducted on the company’s premises or at an external venue but led by internal trainers.
  • Public Training: Training that’s open to the public, which may be conducted by HRD Corp-approved providers.
  • Overseas Training: For programs held internationally or involving overseas trainers.
  • Seminar/Conference: Either local or overseas seminars/conferences that are eligible for claims.
  • Online Training: Includes public online HRDF training, in-house online training (ROT), e-learning, or certification-based training programs.

Correctly identifying the type of training is crucial as each has different allowable costs, documentation requirements, and eligibility criteria.

B) STEP 2: Decide the Venue of Training (Applicable for In-House Training Only)

For in-house training, you’ll need to determine if the training will take place:

  • On Company Premises: Training occurs on the company’s property, typically requiring fewer logistical arrangements and lower allowances.
  • External Venue: If the training is held offsite, additional costs like venue rental and transportation may be eligible for claims.

The chosen venue impacts the cost allowances for transportation, lodging (if applicable), and other venue-related expenses.

C) STEP 3: Choose the Type of Trainer (Applicable for In-House Training Only)

For in-house HRDF training, selecting the trainer type is essential to determine allowable costs:

  • Internal Trainer: A company employee or personnel leading the training. Allowances for internal trainers differ from external trainers.
  • External Trainer: A trainer hired from outside the organization. External trainers typically have higher allowable costs and may require additional documentation, especially if they need travel and accommodation support.

The trainer type affects daily allowances, eligibility for travel reimbursement, and any additional support expenses.

D) STEP 4: Read the Details of Allowable Costs by Referring to the Eligibility Columns

Once you have identified the training type, venue, and trainer, review the Eligibility columns in the matrix for specific allowable costs. This includes:

  • Course Fees: Maximum daily or per participant rates that can be claimed, varying by training type.
  • Trainer/Trainee Allowances: Daily or meal allowances based on the training format and location.
  • Travel and Transportation: Reimbursement rates for air travel, local transportation, and related travel expenses.
  • Consumable Training Materials: Limit on consumable items, usually capped at RM100 without itemization, or more if itemized.

Each column in the matrix provides the eligibility and limits for different cost categories, along with supporting document requirements for each claim type. Ensure to follow these specifics to avoid rejections or delays in claim processing.

How the Increased Course Fee Cap Empowers Malaysian Businesses

The raised course fee ceiling is a response to the increasing costs of high-quality training in Malaysia. With the daily cap raised to RM10,500, HRD Corp is allowing companies to:

  • Access top-tier training providers for specialized courses.
  • Invest in international trainers or advanced certifications that were previously cost-prohibitive.
  • Ensure that the latest skills are imparted by professionals with industry-leading expertise.

For companies aiming to develop their workforce in high-tech fields, the increased cap is particularly advantageous. Advanced HRDF training often requires significant investment, and the new ceiling enables companies to provide such training without exceeding HRD Corp’s limits.

Boost Your Team’s Performance with No.1 HRDF Claimable Outdoor Team Building in Malaysia!

OE HRDF-Claimable Outdoor Team Building Program Malaysia

If you’re looking for a dynamic and engaging outdoor team building experience in Malaysia, OE Group offers a comprehensive HRDF claimable team building program that combines leadership training with exciting outdoor activities. The OE Team specializes in customizable team-building experiences that are perfect for corporate teams aiming to improve collaboration, communication, and leadership skills.

Located only 45 minutes from Kuala Lumpur and Airport, the OE Resort provides a unique setting for corporate team building activities, combining interactive exercises with luxurious amenities such as space capsule accommodations and gourmet dining​

Their programs include a range of activities like:

  • Leadership Skill Development: Guided by certified trainers and vocational experts, your team will engage in exercises that foster leadership qualities and team cohesion.
  • Outdoor Adventure Activities: Teams participate in interactive tasks designed to enhance problem-solving, trust, and adaptability, all while enjoying the outdoor setting.
  • Custom Itinerary and Guidance: With options like space capsule accommodations and forest dining, the OE team ensures a unique experience with professional outdoor instructors to guide activities safely and effectively.

Perfect for teams ranging from small groups to large corporate teams, these activities aim to push teams out of their comfort zones while ensuring everyone works toward common team building objectives. Best of all, the program is 100% HRDF claimable, allowing your company to optimize training budgets while enhancing team performance​.

Get more information and tailor the perfect team building event by visiting OE Group’s official corporate team building page, or contact us at:

  • 601115608888 (Ben Liu)
  • 60182296599 ( Zoey Leong)

Final Thoughts

The latest updates from HRD Corp signal a forward-thinking approach that aligns with Malaysia’s ambitions to build a skilled, competitive workforce. By introducing hourly-based HRDF claims and increasing the allowable course fee cap, HRD Corp is empowering businesses to invest in employee development flexibly and sustainably. As companies across Malaysia look to upskill their teams, understanding and utilizing these enhancements in the Allowable Cost Matrix can make a significant difference in their HRDF training programs and, ultimately, their market competitiveness.

For more information on these policy changes, check out the detailed coverage by NST and The Edge Malaysia, or visit the HRD Corp official website.

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为了提升马来西亚企业培训的灵活性,马来西亚人力资源发展公司(HRD Corp)推出了一项增强政策,允许雇主按小时申请培训计划的报销。此外,HRD Corp还提高了可报销的课程费用上限,使企业能够在不受之前费用限制的情况下,为员工提供高质量的HRDF培训。这些更新体现了HRD Corp持续致力于通过投资员工技能和发展,帮助马来西亚企业保持竞争力的承诺。 按小时申请报销HRDF新政策的主要亮点 此增强政策对HRD Corp的允许费用矩阵(Allowable Cost Matrix, ACM)进行了两项重大更改: 按小时申请报销HRDF 以往,HRDF报销是以全天或半天为单位计算。新政策下,雇主可以按小时提交报销申请。此调整允许企业为短时培训提供资金支持,例如不需要整天时间的微技能或特定技术更新培训。按小时报销还使企业能够更灵活地进行简短且频繁的培训,支持持续学习而不会严重影响日常运营。 提高课程费用上限 HRD Corp还提高了可报销HRDF课程费用的上限,为更高强度或更专业的HRDF培训计划提供了实质性支持。新政策下,特定培训课程的费用上限为每小时RM1,500或每天RM10,500,而之前的上限为每天RM6,000。此提高使企业能够投资于更高质量的HRDF培训,包括先进技术技能、高需求认证以及在当今不断变化的就业市场中至关重要的专业知识领域。 什么是HRD Corp允许费用矩阵 (Allowable Cost Matrix)? HRD Corp允许费用矩阵(ACM)定义了马来西亚雇主可用于员工培训和发展的HRDF培训类别、类型、允许费用及具体报销限制。ACM涵盖内部、公开、海外培训,以及研讨会、会议和在线培训。通过了解这些类别及相关申请报销HRDF,企业可以有效预算员工技能提升计划。 HRD Corp允许费用矩阵(Allowable Cost Matrix)中的HRDF培训类型 ACM为各种类型的培训计划提供资金支持,每种类型都有特定的资格要求、限制和条件。以下是详细分类: a. 内部HRDF培训 b. 公开HRDF培训 c. 海外公开HRDF培训 d. 研讨会和会议 e. 在线HRDF培训(远程在线培训 – ROT) HRDF课程费用及资金支持限制 每种培训类型都有具体的费用限制。以下是允许费用的详细概述: a. 课程费用 b. 远程在线培训(ROT) HRDF课程培训师和学员的津贴 HRD Corp为培训师和学员提供额外津贴以覆盖相关费用。 a. 培训师津贴 b. 学员津贴 c. 膳食津贴 d.

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马来西亚企业如何在不参加马来西亚HRDF课程的情况下利用HRDF基金 (HRDF fund) [2025]

最大限度地利用HRDF基金(HRDF fund)对于提升员工发展并确保公司受益于可用的财务支持至关重要。以下是一些策略,帮助企业有效利用HRDF基金(HRDF fund),尤其是在特定的HRDF培训课程(HRDF training)不适合业务需求时。 1. 利用培训援助计划(SBL):量身定制的内部和外部HRDF培训(HRDF training) 培训援助计划(SBL)为HRDF培训计划(HRDF training)下的雇主提供灵活性。它允许企业设计符合其具体运营需求的定制培训项目。雇主可以选择内部或外部的HRDF课程(HRDF course),只要培训满足最低4小时的时长要求。该计划提供财务支持,包括讲师费用、场地租赁、耗材和交通费用,这些都属于HRDF可申报(HRDF claimable)费用范围。 2. 通过战略性使用基金避免HRDF征税(HRDF Levy)扣减 为了避免在2024年被扣除15%的征税,公司必须确保在6月之前使用至少50%的HRDF基金(HRDF fund)。定期审核HRDF申请流程(HRDF claim process)和培训活动可以防止这种扣减。通过提前规划培训并确保符合HRDF可申报(HRDF claimable)指南,公司可以在无财务惩罚的情况下最大化受益。 3. 未使用的(HRDF Levy)HRDF征税机制:避免基金没收 HRDF申请流程(HRDF claim process)要求在两年内使用HRDF基金(HRDF fund),否则未使用的部分可能会被没收。这对未积极参与HRDF培训(HRDF training)的公司来说是一个重大风险。通过定期通过各种项目提交HRDF申请(HRDF claim),企业可以确保持续受益于HRDF课程(HRDF course)分配。 4. 定制培训设施与设备 雇主还可以利用HRDF基金(HRDF fund)来提升其内部培训能力。HRDF申请(HRDF claim)允许企业购买培训辅助工具和材料,甚至通过ALAT计划翻新培训设施。这对于希望建立长期内部HRDF培训(HRDF training)体系的公司来说是理想选择。 5. 远程辅导与指导:灵活的HRDF课程(HRDF course)选项 对于无法举办内部培训的公司,HRDF可申报(HRDF claimable)指南允许远程辅导与指导。这些在线课程必须满足最低四小时的时长要求,为需要灵活性的企业提供了便利选项。这确保了即使是远程团队也能受益于HRDF支持的发展计划。 6. 聚焦长期发展:马来西亚HRDF培训(HRDF training)的关键 为了充分利用HRDF课程(HRDF course),企业应实施长期的员工发展计划。与一次性培训课程不同,建议运行多阶段项目,并通过HRDF可申报(HRDF claimable)资金支持。这种方法有助于提高生产力和员工留任率,同时最大化HRDF基金(HRDF fund)的使用效果。 关于HRDF基金(HRDF fund) 明智地使用HRDF基金(HRDF fund)对培养具有竞争力的员工队伍至关重要。通过利用培训援助计划(SBL)、升级培训设施或实施长期发展计划,企业可以确保其HRDF培训(HRDF training)符合运营目标。通过主动管理HRDF申请流程(HRDF claim process)并持续参与HRDF可申报(HRDF claimable)项目,可避免征税扣减和基金没收。在2024年有效利用HRDF基金(HRDF

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