Guide to Selecting the Right HRDF Claimable Team Building Provider in Malaysia 2024/2025

Guide to Selecting the Right HRDF Claimable Team Building Provider in Malaysia 2024/2025

In Malaysia, the Human Resource Development Fund (HRDF), now known as HRDCorp, is an essential initiative aimed at promoting continuous employee development. Understanding the HRDF training courses, their benefits, and how to leverage them effectively can significantly impact an organization’s growth. This guide will provide insights into Malaysia HRDF, how it works, and how corporates can make the most of it, especially when organizing outdoor team building and other team-building activities in Malaysia.

What is Malaysia HRDF and How Does It Work? 什么是马来西亚HRDF?它是如何运作的?

HRDF in Malaysia, managed by HRDCorp, is designed to facilitate skill development and employee training programs for Malaysian employers. Under the Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad (PSMB) Act, eligible companies contribute to a levy fund, which they can then utilize for HRDF training programs. These programs include a variety of activities like technical courses, soft skills workshops, and outdoor team-building exercises, all aimed at enhancing employee capabilities and organizational performance​.

How Can Corporates Make Use of HRDF in Malaysia?公司如何利用马来西亚的HRDF?

To maximize the benefits of HRDF claimable programs, companies need to:

  • Identify Skill Gaps: Conduct assessments to understand the specific training needs of their employees.
  • Plan Strategic Training Sessions: Plan regular training throughout the year, including HRDF-claimable team building, to ensure the levy contributions are effectively used​.
  • Partner with HRDF-Certified Providers: Work with accredited providers who offer HRDF claimable training sessions such as outdoor team building or indoor activities to comply with HRDF guidelines.

How to Choose the Right HRDF Claimable Team Building Provider 如何选择合适的HRDF可索赔团队建设提供商

When selecting a HRDF claimable team building provider in Malaysia, consider the following key points:

1. Verify Malaysia HRDF Accreditation (马来西亚HRDF认证)

Ensure the HRDF claimable team building provider is registered with HRDF. Only accredited providers are eligible to offer HRDF claimable programs, including outdoor team building and other team-building Malaysia activities. Collaborating with certified providers guarantees compliance and maximizes the potential for successful claims​.

2. Review HRDF Training Program Content and Alignment (审查计划内容和一致性)

The chosen HRDF training program must align with your organization’s objectives. Programs should focus on skills like leadership, teamwork, and communication to meet HRDF guidelines. Providers should employ certified facilitators for the sessions, which is a requirement for HRDF compliance​.

3. Ensure Proper Documentation and Malaysia HRDF Compliance (确保妥善记录和合规性)

Proper documentation is essential for claiming HRDF benefits. Your provider should maintain detailed records, including attendance lists, invoices, training materials, and completion certificates. Keeping these documents organized is crucial for a smooth HRDF claim process and for compliance during HRDF audits​.

4. Choose Tailored HRDF Claimable Team Building Solutions (选择定制解决方案)

Select a provider that offers tailored HRDF training programs suited to your organization’s specific needs. This could range from outdoor team building to virtual sessions, depending on your team’s dynamics. Tailored solutions, like those offered by many top HRDF claimable outdoor team building providers in Malaysia, address unique challenges and help achieve organizational goals more effectively​.

5. Consider the HRDF Claimable Team Building Provider’s Track Record (考虑提供商的过往记录)

Look for providers with a proven track record in HRDF claimable team-building activities. Research client testimonials, case studies, and success rates to gauge their expertise. A reliable provider ensures impactful, engaging training sessions that align with HRDF training criteria, increasing the likelihood of a successful claim​.

Make Use of Malaysia HRDF Training with a Team Building Provider Today!

Utilizing Malaysia HRDF programs, including HRDF claimable team-building sessions, is an effective strategy for organizational growth. By choosing the right provider and ensuring compliance with HRDF regulations, companies can enhance employee morale, collaboration, and overall productivity. Following these steps will help organizations maximize HRDF benefits and create meaningful team-building experiences through HRDF training programs in Malaysia.

For more detailed information about HRDF claimable activities and to find the latest HRDF-approved providers, visit the HRDF official website or consult with HRDF-certified experts​.

Our Recommendation: Take Your Team to the Next Level with No.1 HRDF Claimable Outdoor Team Building Malaysia

OE HRDF Claimable Outdoor Team Building Malaysia

If you’re looking for a premium HRDF-claimable team building experience, OE Academy offers one of the top-rated corporate team building packages in Malaysia. These programs are designed to enhance leadership, improve team cohesion, and foster skill development through a variety of outdoor team building activities. 

Located only 45 minutes from Kuala Lumpur, the OE Resort provides a unique setting for corporate team building activities, combining interactive exercises with luxurious amenities such as space capsule accommodations and gourmet dining​

Led by HRDF-certified trainers, OE Academy’s programs help teams bond and apply critical strategies that can be utilized back in the workplace​.

Each package includes:

  • HRDF-Certified Trainers and Instructors: Professional guidance from expert trainers to ensure maximum learning and team cohesion.
  • Customizable Itineraries: Tailored programs to suit your team’s objectives.
  • Unique Space Capsule Accommodation and Dining: A memorable experience with high-end amenities.
  • Eight Types of Outdoor Activities: Ranging from leadership exercises to team-building games like scavenger hunts, problem-solving tasks, and more​..

For businesses aiming to enhance team performance and optimize HRDF funding, OE Academy offers a well-rounded team building package that delivers both fun and practical outcomes.Contact us now at:

  • 601115608888 (Ben Liu)
  • 60182296599 ( Zoey Leong)

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11 款热门露营团建必玩的马来西亚户外团建游戏(适用于HRDF团建与户外培训课程)

近年来,越来越多企业开始重视团队之间的沟通与协作,而露营团建逐渐成为一种受欢迎的方式。相比传统的室内讲座,结合自然环境的户外团建活动,让员工能在轻松的氛围下进行有效的互动。 本篇内容整理了 11 款适合不同规模组织使用的团建游戏,部分也常见于HRDF课程和企业培训课程中。它们不强调竞技性,而是通过游戏过程强化团队之间的凝聚、合作与沟通效率。 想要提升团队凝聚力、增强沟通与合作技能,同时又不失趣味与挑战?那你一定不能错过这 11 款专为马来西亚企业户外团建设计的趣味游戏!这些户外团建活动不仅适合企业HRDF课程、员工职业培训、周末团康聚会,也能为你的团队注团建入全新的企业文化与高效执行力。 无论是为了提升团队精神、打造高绩效团队,还是希望在轻松的环境中进行有效的培训课程和学习课程,这套精选游戏都能为你带来绝佳体验与收获。适用于不同类型的团队建设课程、市场运作培训、甚至是有奖杯挑战机制的户外拓展策划。 适合谁阅读? 以下是这11款受欢迎的马来西亚户外团建游戏推荐,适合各种多⼈聚会活动、企业活动策划、专业培训课程以及露营式户外体验场景: 1. 东问西答|提升反应与沟通表达的露营团建游戏 玩法介绍: “东问西答”是一款轻松而有趣的团建游戏,非常适合用于露营团建、HRDF课程或日常的企业培训课程中。全员围成一圈,由主持人随机选择一名成员提问,问题可以天马行空,例如:“你昨天吃了什么?”而回答者必须故意答非所问,例如:“我喜欢蓝色。”回答越无关、越跳脱思维,越能避免出局。 游戏规则简述: 适合场景与团建价值: 此游戏看似简单,实则在轻松互动中提升参与者的应变能力与沟通技巧。尤其适用于: 在马来西亚的许多HRDF团建和户外团建活动中,“东问西答”已成为常用项目。它不仅适合用在户外活动或露营式培训课程中,也常被纳入企业的企业文化建设与员工学习课程的实战部分,为团队后续的合作打下良好基础。  2. 眼色游戏|默契与专注力并重的露营团建挑战 眼色游戏 (Image Source: 越冬亲子生活 RedNote) 玩法介绍: “眼色游戏”是一款非常适合户外团建活动或露营团建场景的轻量级互动游戏,规则看似简单,却深度考验团队成员间的配合默契与观察力。所有参与者围成一圈,依次顺时针喊出数字,每人只能喊一次,没有预设顺序。若两人同时说出相同的数字,即算“出局”,游戏必须重新开始。 游戏规则: 适合场景与团建亮点: 这款游戏没有肢体接触,适合在各种规模的户外活动中展开。特别适合: 通过这类“非语言合作”的方式,能强化团队在压力下的快速判断力与协同能力。它也常被用于企业文化建设与团队默契检测,作为一种有效融合培训课程与互动趣味的桥梁。 3. 套圈圈|专注目标与执行力的轻松互动 套圈圈 (Image Source: Miss Zhang RedNote) 玩法介绍: “套圈圈”是一种充满童趣但又极具引导意义的趣味游戏,适合在团建场地中快速布置。每位参与者将获得三个圈(1个大圈、2个小圈),站在指定线后,将圈投向地上摆放的不同难度目标区。套中者可获得奖品或积分,增加比赛的趣味性与竞争力。 游戏规则: 适合场景与团建亮点:虽然是轻松型游戏,但在HRDF团建课程或员工激励型学习课程中,“套圈圈”常作为目标设定与执行力训练的一部分: 此外,它特别适合融合进以下场景: “套圈圈”不仅让人放松,还能自然引导团队关注精准目标与任务完成,将职场价值观巧妙地融入游戏中。 4. 户外飞盘|融合策略与体能的趣味露营团建挑战 户外飞盘(Image Source: 活力团建😎 RedNote) 玩法介绍: “户外飞盘挑战”是一种结合户外活动、沟通配合和身体协调性的团体型游戏,常被应用于露营团建、企业员工日或运动主题的户外团建活动中。游戏可在宽敞的草地或场地举行,包含三种形式:飞盘保龄球、九宫格飞盘与定点投篮。 游戏规则简述: 适合场景与团建亮点:

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