How to Make Use of Your HRDF Fund Without Enrolling HRDF Training Programme Malaysia [2024/2025]

How to Make Use of Your HRDF Fund Without Enrolling HRDF Training Programme Malaysia [2024/2025]

Maximizing the use of your HRDF fund is crucial for enhancing employee development while ensuring your company benefits from the available financial support. Below are strategies to ensure effective utilization of your HRDF fund, especially when a specific HRDF training programme may not be ideal for your business needs.

1. Skim Bantuan Latihan (SBL) Scheme: Tailored In-House and External HRDF Training

The Skim Bantuan Latihan (SBL) Scheme provides flexibility for employers under the HRDF training scheme. It allows companies to design custom training programs tailored to their specific operational needs. Employers can select both in-house and external HRDF courses, as long as the training meets the minimum duration of four hours. This scheme offers financial assistance, covering trainer fees, venue rental, consumables, and transportation, all part of the HRDF claimable costs​.

2. Avoid HRDF Levy Deductions Through Strategic Fund Use

To avoid a 15% levy deduction in 2024, companies must ensure that at least 50% of their HRDF fund is utilized before June. Regularly reviewing your HRDF claim process and training activities can prevent this deduction. By planning training ahead and ensuring that it fits within HRDF claimable guidelines, companies can maximize the benefits without financial penalties​.

3. Unutilized HRDF Levy Mechanism: Avoid Fund Forfeiture

The HRDF claim process involves using your HRDF fund within a two-year period, or the remaining funds may be forfeited. This is a significant risk for companies that do not actively engage in HRDF training. By submitting HRDF claims regularly through various programs, businesses can ensure they continue to benefit from their HRDF course allocations​.

4. Customized Training Facilities & Equipment

Employers can also use the HRDF fund to enhance their in-house training capabilities. The HRDF claim allows businesses to purchase training aids and materials or even renovate their training facilities through the ALAT scheme. This is ideal for companies looking to establish long-term, in-house HRDF training setups​.

5. Remote Coaching and Mentoring: A Flexible HRDF Course Option

For companies that cannot host in-house sessions, the HRDF claimable guidelines allow for remote coaching and mentoring. These online sessions must meet the four-hour minimum, making them a convenient option for businesses that require flexibility in their HRDF training. This ensures that even remote teams can benefit from HRDF-supported development​.

6. Focus on Long-Term Development with HRDF Training

To fully benefit from HRDF courses, companies should implement long-term employee development plans. Instead of one-off training sessions, consider running multi-phase programs, supported by HRDF claimable funds. This approach helps enhance productivity and retention while maximizing the effectiveness of your HRDF fund​.

About HRDF Fund

Using the HRDF fund wisely is essential for developing a competitive workforce. By leveraging schemes like Skim Bantuan Latihan (SBL), upgrading training facilities, or implementing long-term development plans, businesses can ensure their HRDF training aligns with operational goals. Avoid levy deductions and fund forfeiture by staying proactive with your HRDF claim process and continuously engaging with HRDF claimable programs. Effective utilization of the HRDF fund in 2024 will provide long-term benefits for both your employees and your company.

Here are FAQs related to HRDF with relevant keywords:

1. How to use the HRDF fund?

To use your HRDF fund, employers must register with HRDF, assess their company’s training needs, and select HRDF claimable courses. You can utilize the fund for in-house or public training programs under schemes like Skim Bantuan Latihan (SBL), which allows for tailored programs as long as they meet the minimum training hour requirements. After conducting the training, employers can submit a HRDF claim via the online e-TRiS portal, ensuring all required documents, like invoices and training schedules, are submitted​.

2. Is it compulsory to register for HRDF?

Yes, it is compulsory for employers in specific sectors with 10 or more local employees to register with HRDF and contribute a levy, which is 1% of their employees’ monthly wages. Companies with 5 to 9 employees can register voluntarily, contributing 0.5% of monthly wages​.

3. How to utilise the HRDF levy?

The HRDF levy can be utilized by applying for financial assistance for HRDF training programs that focus on reskilling and upskilling employees. Employers can use their levy for both in-house and public training courses, as well as for equipment purchases or facility upgrades under the ALAT scheme. The HRDF claim process involves submitting training plans and expenses for approval through the e-TRiS portal​.

4. Who is exempted from HRDF Malaysia?

Companies that fall outside the specific industries outlined by the HRDF Act or those with fewer than 5 employees are generally exempt from registering and contributing to HRDF. Additionally, companies in industries that were heavily impacted by events like the pandemic may also receive temporary exemptions​.

5. How do I make a HRDF contribution?

To make a HRDF contribution, registered employers must pay a monthly levy, calculated as 1% of the monthly wages of their local employees, to HRDF. Payments must be made by the 15th of the following month through the e-TRiS portal​.

6. Who is eligible for a HRDF claim?

Employers registered with HRDF are eligible to make a HRDF claim for any approved HRDF claimable training programs. These include in-house training, public courses, coaching, and mentoring programs, as long as they align with HRDF guidelines. Claims can be submitted after the training has been conducted, provided all necessary documentation is included​.

Our Recommendation: Take Your Team to the Next Level with OE HRDF Claimable Team Building Programme

OE HRDF Claimable Outdoor Corporate Team Building

If you’re looking for a premium HRDF-claimable team building experience, OE Academy offers one of the top-rated corporate team building packages in Malaysia. These programs are designed to enhance leadership, improve team cohesion, and foster skill development through a variety of outdoor team building activities. 

Located only 45 minutes from Kuala Lumpur, the OE Resort provides a unique setting for corporate team building activities, combining interactive exercises with luxurious amenities such as space capsule accommodations and gourmet dining​

Led by HRDF-certified trainers, OE Academy’s programs help teams bond and apply critical strategies that can be utilized back in the workplace​.

Each package includes:

  • HRDF-Certified Trainers and Instructors: Professional guidance from expert trainers to ensure maximum learning and team cohesion.
  • Customizable Itineraries: Tailored programs to suit your team’s objectives.
  • Unique Space Capsule Accommodation and Dining: A memorable experience with high-end amenities.
  • Eight Types of Outdoor Activities: Ranging from leadership exercises to team-building games like scavenger hunts, problem-solving tasks, and more​..

For businesses aiming to enhance team performance and optimize HRDF funding, OE Academy offers a well-rounded team building package that delivers both fun and practical outcomes.Contact us now at:

  • 601115608888 (Ben Liu)
  • 60182296599 ( Zoey Leong)

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在企业快速发展的时代,团队建设(团建配套)已成为提高企业竞争力的重要方式。OE Resort 作为马来西亚NO.1企业团建场地,打造了一系列可定制团建方案,融合HRDF团建课程与户外团建挑战,让企业团队在挑战中成长,在互动中提升凝聚力。 无论是希望提升团队协作、培养领导力,还是通过轻松的活动促进团队关系,OE Resort 的可定制HRDF团建配套都能满足您的需求,让员工在寓教于乐的环境中获得成长! 🌟 马来西亚OE Resort 三大豪华可定制HRDF团建配套 OE Resort 的团队建设方案结合了企业培训、户外挑战和豪华团建场地,提供三大不同类型的可定制团建,适用于各种团队需求: 🔹 1. 讲师内训可定制HRDF团建配套(Trainer In-House Training Package) 🏢 适合:企业高层 & 需要专业培训的团队如果您的企业希望通过HRDF团建课程提升团队管理能力,并结合户外团建活动增强团队凝聚力,那么这个方案是您的不二之选! 📌 配套特色:✅ OE集团旗下专业讲师 + VTO国家级职业导师授课✅ 可定制团建培训课程(领导力、沟通技巧、执行力等)✅ 包含8项精选户外团建挑战(飞狐、攀岩、丛林徒步等)✅ PK团队竞技挑战赛 & 颁奖典礼✅ 森林晚宴 & 营火会 + 卡拉OK✅ 全程HRDF可报销 📍 团建场地 & 附加体验: 💡 推荐指数:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐(适合企业高层 & 团队成长培训) 🔹 2. 挑战自我HRDF团建配套(Challenge Yourself Package) 🎯 适合:想要加强团队凝聚力 &

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在2025年,马来西亚的企业文化与团队建设迎来了新的变革。相比传统的讨论室分组交流或体育馆内的体能训练,越来越多的企业开始寻求更具深度和互动性的团建游戏,以提高工作效率和团队合作精神。本次不常规团建主题活动通过结合创新课程、趣味游戏和户外团建活动,推动企业文化建设,同时提升团队成员之间的沟通和合作能力。 MBTI主题| 马来西亚团建:探索个性化性格特征 MBTI马来西亚团建主题 本次团建游戏融入了MBTI性格测试课程,以帮助参与者深入了解自身性格特点,并增强团队成员之间的沟通与协作能力,从而提高团队建设的质量。活动环节包括: 城市猫鼠游戏:沉浸式团队合作体验 城市猫鼠主题团建游戏(照片来源:江浙沪团) 在真实城市环境中展开的“猫鼠游戏”挑战,为参与者带来紧张刺激的追逐与逃脱体验。活动设定了不同的角色与任务,增强团队建设能力,提升企业培训课程的趣味性。游戏内容包括: 活动设置 活动亮点 活动流程 团队策略建议 向往的生活:回归自然的马来西亚团建活动 为了缓解职场压力,本次团建游戏特别策划了一系列户外团建活动,让参与者在田园生活中感受松弛与治愈。具体内容包括: 人生拍卖会:深度思考与价值探索的团建活动 马来西亚人生拍卖会团建主题 (照片来源: 小野家(灵魂避难所)) 该环节鼓励参与者通过模拟拍卖会的形式,回顾并分享自己认为最具价值的经历或事物,从而激发对人生价值观的深度思考。活动内容包括: 脆皮青年养身局:轻松愉悦的马来西亚健康团建体验 在快节奏的职场生活中,健康养生逐渐成为年轻人关注的重点。本次不常规团建主题活动特设“脆皮青年养身局”,以趣味方式结合传统养生理念,帮助参与者放松身心,提高工作效率,增强企业培训课程的多样性。 马来西亚国潮风团建主题:传统文化与现代潮流的完美融合 国潮风团建是一种将传统文化基因与年轻潮流相结合的创新团队建设模式。这种不常规团建主题不仅能够增强团队合作,也让企业文化在历史文化的熏陶下得到升华。活动环节包括: 这种国潮风团建不仅能提升团队成员的文化素养,还能加强企业文化与传统文化的融合,使企业在不断创新的同时,也能保持文化根基的稳定性。 马来西亚团建主题之森林运动会:健康与活力并存 本次团建游戏还包含森林运动会环节,让团队成员在大自然中锻炼体能,提高团队合作能力。 结语 | 选择适合自己的创新的马来西亚团建主题! 2025年的马来西亚不常规团建主题活动不再局限于传统模式,而是更加强调沉浸式体验、个性化探索和团队合作能力的培养。这些创新性的团建游戏不仅增强了企业文化建设,也为员工提供了难忘的成长与交流机会,打造更加健康、积极、富有创造力的工作团队。这些团建活动通过户外团建活动、培训课程和沟通技巧的提升,为企业带来了更高的团队协作能力,进而提高整体工作效率。 2025年马来西亚大厂95后团队养生团建策划:两天一夜玩转新中式养生,推荐OE Resort完美团建场地! 在为您的团队策划一场 新中式养生团建 时,选择一个合适的场地至关重要。位于马来西亚森美兰州的 OE Resort 是一个理想的团建场地选择,专为企业团队建设活动而设计。 OE Resort 的特色包括: 更多OE Resort 团建场地亮点: 为什么选择 OE Resort? 此外,OE Resort 的团队建设活动符合人力资源发展基金(HRDF)的申请条件,企业可以通过该基金申请培训费用的补贴。 立即行动! 不论是为了提升团队合作效率,还是通过轻松的户外团建活动增强团队士气,OE Resort 都能满足您的需求!📞 联系我们:601115608888

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